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Great British Bake Off Shortbread Cookies with Apple Cider Jam


Hi friends! I thought it was about time I stop watching all the british bake off shows and do something productive like cook one of the recipes from the show – I have in fact been doing a fair amount of cooking but with an adorable little baby nugget to look after i’ve been sticking to the basics, no room for experimental failures here. The first few months of Chloe’s life were just a free for all – thank god for a well stocked freezer full of soup – then as we worked towards longer, more predictable naps I tried to prioritize things like showering and general personal hygiene during those precious moments so typing up recipes and getting posts together has not really been on my radar. But i think after 9 months i have gotten my sh*t sufficiently together – nap 1: exercise and shower, nap 2: cook something, nap 3: computer time –  a schedule likely to go up in flames shortly as we get to just 2 naps but we will cross that bridge when we get to it and hopefully the cooking and posting will continue.

great british bake off shortbread cookies

As i’ve said (and if you follow me on instagram you have definitely seen) I have been watching waaaay more Great British Bake Off than one “should” but its just so darn good. I am currently on the newest (and yet to be released in the US) season and was intrigued by these shortbread cookies that got the elusive and oh-so-coveted Paul Hollywood handshake. The twist comes from adding cooked egg yolk which seemed just weird enough that I had to give it a try. And i am typing this before tasting them so i really hope they are tasty because i am using up nap time on this. Fingers crossed.

great british bake off shortbread cookies

Ok, a week later, i’ve made them and made myself slightly ill eating more than i care to admit but lets just say these shortbread cookies are some of the best i’ve tasted.  In the show they are made into sandwiches with apple jam or sauce which is a delicious combo but a messy endeavor to eat and i found i liked the shortbread much more when rolled a little thicker than a sandwich cookie allowed and wanted more of the apple stuff than could sensibly fit in between two cookies.

great british bake off shortbread cookies

So. My advice. Make the shortbread and the apple cider jam. Spoon some warm apple goodness over vanilla ice cream with a cookie (or two) on the side. Orrrrr replace the ice cream with plain yogurt and you’ve got yourself one heck of an afternoon snack right there.

Shortbread Cookies with Apple Cider Jam

Yield: 20-30 cookies

Slightly adapted from The Great British Bake Off Season 5


For the shortbread:

  1. 4 eggs – 2 to be hard boiled

  2. 10oz / 2¼ sticks unsalted butter, at room temp

  3. 1 cup granulated sugar

  4. 1 tbl vanilla

  5. 2½ cups all-purpose flour

  6. ½ tsp salt

  7. 1 tsp ground cinnamon

  8. 1 egg for egg wash

  9. Sugar in the raw for sprinkling (optional)

For the apple cider jam:

  1. 4-5 apples, peeled, cored and chopped

  2. 2 cups apple cider

  3. Zest and juice of 1 lime

  4. Zest and juice of 1 lemon

  5. 1 tsp cinnamon

  6. pinch of ground nutmeg

  7. pinch of ground clove

  8. ½ cup granulated sugar


Make the shortbread

  1. Hard boil 2 of the 4 eggs – place 2 eggs in a small sauce pot and just cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, remove from the heat immediately, cover and set a timer for10 minutes. When the timer goes off put the eggs in cold water to stop the cooking.

  2. Peel the eggs, discard the whites and press the yolks through a fine mesh sieve. Combine with the remaining 2 eggs and vanilla, whisking just to mix. Set aside.

  3. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the egg mixture, scraping the sides of the bowl once to fully combine.

  4. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, salt and cinnamon. With the mixer on low, slowly add the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

  5. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap, shaping it into a flattened rectangle. Refrigerate 30 minutes or up to a few days.

  6. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 350˚F and take the dough out of the fridge to soften slightly. While it does beat one egg in a small bowl for egg wash and get your sugar in the raw ready if using – set both aside.

  7. Cut the rectangle in half and set one half aside, place the other half in between two pieces of parchment, flouring each side to prevent sticking.

  8. Roll to about ¼ inch thick and use a cookie cutter or knife to cut out whatever shape or size cookie you like. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and brush each with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar in the raw.

  9. Bake the cookies 15-20 minutes, rotating halfway through, until golden brown.

Make the apple cider jam:

  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook over med-low heat, stirring occasionally, for 30-40 minutes. Serve warm or at room temp over ice cream with a cookie or two.



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